Confront the collision of power and assumption.

Stereotyping becomes a familiar response to the strangeness we see in others.




How does it feel to embody stereotyping language? Are the words un/comfortably familiar? Or do they feel strange when said aloud?

Coming Soon

Shifting Stereotypes: an interactive documentary
Our latest interactive installation challenges familiar responses.

We invite participants to consider the words of those in power, and what scholars and artists have to say about these words and the culture and concepts that create them. We also invite you to join the conversation, and to contribute to the project as it grows in substance and audience. This is an ongoing project, a series of installations culminating in an interactive documentary of the stereotyping journey, and the shifts in perception along the way. Our hope is that by making these familiar stereotypes strange, we can collaboratively begin to break them down. If you are interested in having us come to you and hosting an immersive event or interactive documentary screening, or are interested in participating in the creative or technical process (funded by Wenner Gren's Innovations in the Public Awareness of Anthropology program), please don't hesitate to reach out.

  • With contributions from anthropologists from all areas and specializations, we have collected and analyzed ideas about stereotypes. CUNY Research Scholars and anthropology students around the world have also dug deep to find evidence of stereotyping- and ways to understand it in a social and historical context.

  • We are currently on tour with our immersive exhibition and generating content for the interactive documentary.

  • We are producing a cutting-edge interactive web documentary featuring footage from the installation participants and our anthropological research.


Kristina Baines

Director of Anthropology
Kristina Baines, PhD is an Asst. Professor at CUNY Guttman. Her interests include environment + health intersections, ecological heritage, phenomenology and education.

Victoria Costa

Director of Cool
Victoria Costa likes to consider potential trajectories for cool, critical thoughts + believes that information must be free beyond the closed circuits of our niche communities.

Shenice Greene

Production Assistant
Shenice Greene was born in Trinidad and raised in New York. She is pursuing a degree at CUNY Guttman in Liberal Arts. She is honored to be working with Cool Anthropology.

Maria Parada

Production Assistant
Maria Isabel Parada was born in Bogota, Colombia and raised in New York. She believes that it is better to “try and fail than to never try at all” – it’s the motto that keeps her going.

Coming soon!

We are working hard on many different elements of our interactive experience :)

"Instead of being presented with stereotypes by age, sex, color, class, or religion, children must have the opportunity to learn that within each range, some people are loathsome and some are delightful."
- Margaret Mead